i dreamnt about cleaning out a cemetery land game and in the middle is a mansion. My cousins were there and they're doing what i'm doing but saparetely. then i heard noices, voices. Once i gathered with my cousins and tried to find them. I felt a heavy presence. Añd duering the search i got this heavy headache and tried to gather with them it worked when my guy cousin tried to close the door no wind pushed it mustve been a poltergeist. We gathered in a huddle under a blanket or a towel and in my heart i've been chanting "its gonna be okay God please protect my cousins and i" repeatedly. And eventually i felt more calmer being touched by someone... on my head, hand and body. I woke up slowly...
In this dream, the cemetery and mansion symbolize aspects of the subconscious mind and hidden emotions. Cleaning out the cemetery represents the need to release and let go of past emotions or unresolved issues. The presence of your cousins suggests that you are not alone in this process, as they also represent different aspects of yourself.
The noises and voices indicate that there are external influences or distractions that make it difficult for you to focus on the task at hand. The heavy headache represents the stress and pressure you feel when trying to navigate through these distractions.
The wind pushing the door and the mention of a poltergeist suggest that there may be unseen forces or negative energies affecting you in waking life. Gathering with your cousins under a blanket or towel represents seeking comfort, protection, and unity in the face of these challenges.
Chanting and asking for God's protection reflects your desire for divine intervention and assurance that everything will be alright. The calmness you feel when being touched by someone signifies a sense of solace, support, and guidance from a higher power.
Overall, this dream suggests that you are going through a period of emotional cleansing and seeking spiritual protection. It highlights the importance of finding inner strength, seeking support from loved ones, and trusting in a higher power to navigate challenging situations in your waking life.